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Monday, August 30, 2010

Chrysopsis Mariana Golden Aster

(Golden Aster  found at under creative commons)

This plant is a member of the Aster family, it grows in brush around scotch, lo-lobby, and long leaf pine. Sometimes the soil isn't really rich but it flourishes throughout the woody areas. I have picked it all my life and just realized it was an Aster.

 The flowers can be dried sometimes, but when they do, they create something similar to a fluffy seeded pod thing. The stems are woody and strong. Parasites do love eating the leaves of this plant because of a licorice tasting leaf.

The flower grows from the Gulf Coast as far as Long Island New York. When I researched the plant, I was surprised at how many places it grew. If you look on and have more knowledge than I do about plants. This one looks to be a hearty grower that withstands drought and heat from late summer to early fall.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The American Coyote

(canis latrans found at wikimedia commons under creative commons)

Canis Latrans, the American Coyote is one of the most bothersome critters in the state. The over population of these dogs are a nuisance to homeowners who live near the forest.

They are very beautiful regardless of their disposition on citizens of Alabama. Coyotes closest relatives are the jackals in which are in Africa. People also call these medium sized dogs the American Jackals for their similarities.

The American Coyote weighs anywhere from 20lbs-45lbs, not a big dog, but they can cause damage to ones young cattle, small sheep, cats, chickens just like any other canines. During the spring these dogs usually mate and the female has anywhere from 5-6 pups. They are wild animals but they are prone to become pets of professionals who preserve wildlife.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Mink

Mustela vison found at wikimedia commons under creative commons law.

This little mink is usually found in the Southern part of the State. They are a member of the weasel family. They have an elongated body and smaller limbs. They weigh in between 1 1/2 to 3 pounds. These  little critters have been trapped for their fur. 

The semi-aquatic pet loves eating bugs, frogs, and some fish. They are captured by owls, coyotes, and other creatures in the area who prey on small animals.  They are known to be solitary critters, but when springtime comes, Barry White is singing and males take full advantage of it.

The American Mink is farmed and killed for their pelts which are gorgeous. Many people protest the little animal being sacrificed for their fur to the extremely rich.

This is a mink farm in wisconsin. The domesticated minks are slaughtered here for garb. The plant breeds the little weasel critter and butchers them for mink coats.

If there were a major crime against humanity, this would be one.  An animal dying for their pelt to wear.

The Blackberry Lily

blackberry lily found at wikimedia commons under creative commons 3.0

The Blackberry lily is a lovely little one that grows wild in the Southern part of the United States. The plant in 2005 was found to be a member of the Belecamba species.

It has been known to treat asthma, stds, prostate cancer, and Chinese poison arrows. This is the Rhizomes that have been used for this part.

See those little pouches on the limbs of the lily? They bloom, they make a pod filled with seeds, and the seeds look just like blackberries. This plant usually blooms early autumn and into fall. The whole mid united states and eastern united states have been known to spot these. They vary in colors. They are usually orange in the deep south.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Prehistoric Era In Alabama

(picture found at, creative commons)

Russell Caves is one of the most known areas of prehistoric existence during the Woodland era. The Woodland era in terms is used to describe the eastern coastline for the Paleo-Indian people who made pottery, and used certain types of plants during this period of time.

The Paleo-Indian people ate bison, wooly mammoths, and many forms of plants that grew along the eastern ocean border. They ate acorns from the oak trees, berries from some of the palm trees, persimmons and wild grapes. Their horticultural endeavors were mostly starchy crops like maize corn.

During this time can you believe they used the sunflower? It was one of the mostly widely used plants during the time. Many of the plants that we use now were prehistoric plants.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Butterfly Milkweed

(Butterfly Milkweed, Asclepias tuberosa found at photobucket, creative commons)

Butterfly Milkweed aka Butterfly Weed, Canada Root, Chigger Flower, Chigger flower, Fluxroot, Indian Paintbrush, Indian Posy, Orange Milkweed, Orange Swallow-wort, Pleurisy Root, Silky Swallow-wort, Tuber Root, Yellow Milkweed, White-root, Wind root has been in our area for a very long time. It's rarely seen but when so, it's a site. 
   You usually see it around old county roads and dirt ones. They aren't that much around anymore. There medicinal uses were for an expectorant which aided through infections in the upper respiratory area. It also aided through pregnancy in some areas.
    One animal that loves the Butterfly Milkweed is the Milkweed Butterfly, it's a color similar to the tuberosa, painted as a monarch almost indecisively.
The picture shows a different butterfly which is a native swallowtail. They are more numerous than the other ones I am speaking about.