The Mimosa: Southeastern United State's Fern Tree
The mimosa is a beautiful fern type tree that multiplies throughout the Southeastern United States. It is a thriving tree that multiplies year after year, and produces a pink and white blossom that smells just like fresh peaches.
These trees are in their prime in June and July. The prettiest at the end of June. Some people tend to complain about their pollen and migraines, but most everyone loves these beautiful plants.
What's so odd about this plant that you can't get over is that the same exact tree is found in Japan, China, Iran, and Korea. It thrives in all tropic to subtropic climates and you can find it in Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Mississippi.
The name "Mimosa" my father told me came from the Island of Formosa in Japan. I love seeing these trees around and have sworn to mutilate my dad if he cuts down my trees outside my windows.
Indeed, mimosa is a common flower tree in Formosa. However, Formosa was a former name for an island called "Taiwan" - a democratic part of China, to distinguish from the mainland China - a communist regime.