[picture taken from wikimedia]
Lingustrum sinese is what our pesky little bush that harbors our homes and multiplies for deer to nibble upon and sometimes our livestock. This bush is used in large urban areas as a border around a skyscraper or a place of business.
They have a pungent sweet odor during the late spring that seems to kill our nasal cavities when we go outside. They are beautiful to look at at that time, which they bare a bare lightly pink dusted clusters that look like snow which later yellow and wilt away. When Indian Summer comes, they have purple clusters of fruit on them which are dispersed by our fine feathered friends to be invaded for all of our yards. Not everyone is talented in the area of Chinese elephant shrubs. Every yard would be a Chinese privet menagerie.
The foliage for this plant has been used in many flower arrangements. The seasons of this plant is beautiful. They are evergreens and don't particularly lose their foliage in cold weather. So if we have Chinese Privet in the state of Alabama, how in The heck did it get here from china? It was brought over by Berkman Nurseries in 1868 according to GardenGuides
Despite of it's pestulances in the state, it shuts my goats up, they nibble on it and can't seem to get enough of it. It wouldn't work out for Cocoa, Techno, or Oreo to go to a New York City or Big City building they would be without Chinese Privet!
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