The turkey vulture (Cathartes Aura) is one of the main picker-uppers of road kill on Alabama's country roads. God put them here to clean up the nasty little possums and other things that make their way underneath an unsuspecting commuter's automobile. It's plumage looks like a male wild turkey in flight. If you think you are going to have turkey for supper, think again. They may look like a turkey from behind, they may be the size of a huge gobbler, but protected under federal law for some reason. You kill one, deal with the game warden.
Turkey vulture's favorite cuisine is opossum, foxes, racoons, and unsuspecting mammals. They fall prey to bald eagles, golden eagles, and the great horned owl. These animals are extremely intelligent. They don't have a call like a song bird, crow or eagle. They will hiss at another vulture or buzzard. If they feel threatened by a person as well. They glide gracefully with a large wingspan. The cousin California Condor has the longest wingspan in the United States part of America. In some areas, they fall victim to endangerment due to resemblance of turkeys. They are again protected by federal law.
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