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Friday, September 10, 2010

The Red Buckeye Tree

red buckeye found at wikimedia commons, under creative commons,

They used to say a long time ago, if you found a buckeye, you were considered lucky. My luck was always something the cat was too ashamed of covering it over discreetly with his paws. That's why I tried to always set out to try to find one so my luck would change.

When I was a kid, you had to keep me away from mirrors because I had a tendency to trip over my brothers feet, roots outside and rock and fall. The buckeye was my answer to relieve me from years of scapegoats and clumsiness as a child. It never happened, I never found that "double rainbow" which would have been a single buckeye.

The Buckeye tree is a  shrub with lovely red flowers on it. They are sometimes called the firecracker plant because of the lovely red blossoms on it. The shrubs about the size of a Japanese Privet or a Dogwood. They bloom April through May with these tubular blossoms, and they bear their lucky charms, about September, October and sometimes November. They grow in the Southeastern part of the US and no where else.

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