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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Squirrel Types And Habitat In Alabama

Squirrels rule the treetops of  Pines and Sweetgums all over forests in Alabama. The most common squirrel you see is one of the state's largest is the Gray Squirrel. The Gray Squirrel sets its nest in mostly decidous types of forests, but you can also find them in some pines. They eat a number of things: seeds, hickory nuts, pecans, and other types of seed dispersals from trees. The Gray Squirrel has mating rituals which are high speed chases quite regularly. You can also catch them hanging themselves upside down to eat nuts from various trees. People have been known to raise the squirrels from a baby in their home and have them successfully as pets. It's advised to keep them as eye candy outside.

Most birdwatchers don't like squirrels invading their territory because they scare away certain types of rare birds that eat particular seeds. The easiest thing to do is get something especially for the squirrels and move it away from the bird watching view. There are squirrel feeders especially for the little beasts at Amazon.  These little feeders are corn cobs that have sweet corn on them and they will keep your little squirrels busy while the purple martins enjoy their bird seed. Another thing you can do is take a pine cone or old corn cob and smear peanut butter all over it. Roll the cob or cone in sunflower kernels and put it where the little squirrel can hold it and have a good time with it.

The other two most common types of squirrels that are in Alabama are also the fox squirrel being the largest squirrel and the southern flying squirrel which i mention in several entries. I combined two blogs together to save space and as a favor to myself. The fox squirrel is a really an active member of the hardwood community whereas the southern flying squirrel loves both evergreen and hardwoods (deciduous).  The fox squirrel is a day dweller and usually has 3 to 5 babies each spring. The mating habits of the fox squirrel are basically calling and chasing running over one branch to another tree's branch after his mate. The southern flying squirrel is Alabama's smallest squirrel. The soft and cuddly little squirrels will usually take over a passerine's nest and have 2 to 3 babies. They are smaller in size and have a stripe on their side. Their hands are small and skin hangs from the arm to the bottom of their leg. The tail is flat to help guide the little squirrel where it needs t o go. The little nocturnal creature I sometimes think is kin to the sugar glider in Mexico and Middle America.

I have used many sources throughout the internet, but I would really like to thank my state's magazine Outdoor Alabama that really gave me extra information i couldn't find elsewhere and Amazon for helping find the little sweet corn cobs. Many people don't know how easy it is to not loathe squirrels. They are too cute and neat to pass time watching.

Squirrels are from the class of mammalia rodentia. It's the rodent class if you  didn't quite get that. They aren't scavengers for anything but nuts, berries, seeds and so on. They don't carry germs like other members of this class family. The germy critters would possibly be mice and rats. Thank God for our little furry friends that invade our trees and do funny things when we catch a glimpse.

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