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Friday, October 2, 2009

Wild Purple Aster

(purple aster image found on flickr)

   I was walking outside with my dog this afternoon and low and behold I found a wild patch of purple aster. Asters are kin to the Shasta daisy and my favorite "mums". These pretty little flowers  follow the Appalachian highlands up to the most northernmost part of the United States.
    I remember picking a whole bunch of these awhile back along with a bouquet of rabbit tobacco. It was very pretty. The flowers lasted awhile in vase. The blooms are really small and the palest bit of pastel purple you can get.
     If you are an avid wildflower collector, this one is a perennial and it comes back year after year. If you love collecting these flowers in the same spot, they are good for snipping each year. I am not sure of any medicinal remedies it may carry. It makes a great pressed flower and note card decoration for a loved one or penal, have a great weekend!

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