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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bobcat (Lynx Rufus)

The bobcat is one of the most beautiful cats in the Souteastern Region of the United States. The Bobcat eats mostly small reptiles, mammals and birds. The feline has large back feet, a short tail, and is 2 times larger than a regular housecat. They are spotted like a cheetah and has a nice pelt of fur that keeps her cool during the summer and warm in the winter time. 
Like a regular housecat, she'll lose the full face and gain a skinner pelt during the summer. Bobcats have been known to interbreed with housecats and have litters of "Pixiebobs". If they don't, they usually have four to five cubs and live near a riverbed, marshy area and in the brush.

The bobcat loves rabbits especially the eastern cottontail. There's not much other types of bunnies in the area other than that. They are a less of a burden than preditors like foxes, jackals and feral pigs. Some people want to see them in their backyard rather than any other wildlife.

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