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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella)

(snipped from

This fish is a large eater of vegetation around freshwater areas. The grass carp was introduced to the United States in 1963 to the southeastern United States from the far east. Auburn got their supply of grass carp from the little island of Taiwan. The Taiwanese eat carp as a staple in their diets. The main purpose of getting the fish was to clean vegetation from the lakes' floors.

The fish is legal to catch because they are abundant. They are a hefty and hearty fish to catch. They can be a bastard to catch. Fisherman lure them with tomatoes, bread and other veggies. In the photos from Outdoor Alabama, they had to be shot with a harpoon/gun to get. The Asian fish completes the ecosystem for cleaning the freshwater's floor and helps provide great fishing to the people around Lake Martin and beyond. The carp  sometimes has a tendancy to diminish rainbow trout and key phytoplankton for other fish in the freshwater food chain.

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