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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rabbit Tobacco

picture taken from

Rabbit Tobacco is found throughout the southeastern united states and preferably loves meadows and open areas where you find bitter weed and goldenrod. This pretty cluster of small white flowers kind of reminds you of baby's bath in a wedding bouquet, but what it's really used for is an alternative to tobacco.

In the olden days when a Redneck didn't have a pot to spit in, he couldn't buy even the cheapest bit of cigars or cigarettes, so he would grab up a bunch of this flowering weed aand some brown paper like from a grocery bag and smoke it. I have no idea how they did it so don't complain to me about your issues with this weed ;)

Our friendly native American tribes ie the Cherokee used to smoke this for sinusitis, antispasmodics, and for anything dealing with the upper respiratory area. there are other names for this noxious plant, it's called, field balsam, white balsam and everlasting.

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