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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cat's Claw Vine

(found at

  Cat's claw vine is pretty noxious, it tops treetops all around homes in Alabama. It gives you severe hay fever and allergies. One thing you can say about it is that it's beautiful. I used to think that it's some sort of jasmine, but it's everywhere. I like seeing the pedals on the ground. I used to want a swing covered in this, but now since I am older, I want to burnt down as far as the eye can see or find something like omanaris which will take away the sting.
      The plant can get 50 feet high, it can get really old and usually bears a very slender fruit when it gets over 2 years old. Cats Claw has been used for such things as getting sleep. I know you want to go to sleep when you smell it. or hide under the covers with a headache. It's pretty to look at!

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