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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rock Snot just in time for Halloween!

(creative commons from wikipedia)

    Rock Snot is a nasty, nasty substance that is found near lakes and ponds throughout Southeastern united states. These didymo cells come together and create huge masses of snotty like algae masses.
    Together small didymo cells create this brown mass that kind of reminds you of flushing the toilet after eating chili. It is nasty and it's sufficating our waterways. I don't think any animals in our area that eat plankton or other types of clean algaes touch this stuff. ( I wouldn't too much blame them of it.
    I've been sniffing around the internet looking for different things on Didymosphenia geminata and found several links where it was being studied for biofuels. It's big, it stinks, and much more, do we want to burn it in our cars? Maybe it won't hurt anything and it's a fast grower for algae which might help emissions somehow. Perhaps this sticky gunk will burn longer than green algae or any other type. I guess it's worth looking into.  If people use chicken crap to burn for alternative fuels why not Rock Snot?

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