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Monday, May 17, 2010

Relict Trillium

(Trillium Reliquum found at wikimedia commons under creative commons 3.0)

This Relict Trillium is considered an endangered species. I used to notice this and much others going down to my brother-in-law's brook and my own spring behind my home. I know that this is one of the most endangered Trilliums. It's more exotic than the Wakerobin.

The Wakerobin I would find where my grandfather's cement factory used to be. It laid to the right side where wild plums used to grow. This one was down at the spring where the water was a little bit murky with the cinnamon fern.
    The Relict Trillium was a deep purple like the color of your veins and has three leaves like Wakerobin, but not drooping. There is more scientific evidence that I owe to another source for the more demographics of this plant. It is a native flower to Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina.

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